Moufle simple non-ouvrant View larger

Yoke pulley with aluminium sheave

See all references

Functionality :

- Simple deflection yoke pulley

Specifications :

- Aluminium sheave,

- Hook with becket in alloy steel,

- Zinc bicromated

Finish :

- Zinc bicromated 

51,60 € tax incl.


ReferenceSizeH (mm)LCorde ∅Réa D / D1E (mm)PriceAdd
PCA 6150 140 60 12-14 60 / 51 x 19 45 51,60 € tax incl.

Total tax incl. :

PCA 8250 185 80 16-18 80 / 69 x 21 66 60,00 € tax incl.

Total tax incl. :

PCA 9500 200 95 20-22 95 / 85 x 24 58 63,60 € tax incl.

Total tax incl. :

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